CITF Class Registration

INSTALL Assessment Certification Program (INSTALL Carpet & Resilient TTT)

REGISTER FOR CLASS:At Least 45 Days in Advance

Classes that do not meet the Minimum Attendance Requirements 45 days in advance will be cancelled.

The minimum participants for this course is: 6

PREREQUISITES: Current INSTALL Carpet Certification, Current INSTALL Resilient Certification, and INSTALL Floor Layer Curriculum TTT, or INSTALL Carpet & Resilient TTT

This class replaces I INSTALL Assessment Certification Course. 

This 5 day course is the Instructor component for area participation in the INSTALL Assessment/Certification program. This is a dual-purpose program that addresses apprenticeship slotting of incoming members and is a mechanism for skills evaluation of existing journeymen members. 

This Instructor course is not an "installation how-to". The Instructor participant is required to demonstrate hands-on skills, as well as general trade knowledge, in order to successfully pass the class. Instructors are expected to perform both resilient and carpet skills to earn Assessment/Certification privileges. Resilient tasks include; three-wall scribe, flat lay pattern scribing, diagonal vinyl tile installation, cove base and PVC heat welding. Carpet skills include: direct glue, stretch-in with border and an upholstered step. 

The course focuses on certifying the Instructor for area Assessment/Certification implementation. Attendees will receive all the support materials including mockup designs, work orders, tool lists, grading sheets, power points and other resource documents. The Certified Instructor will utilize this training for incoming members by having them complete a written exam, followed by a tiered hands-on skill qualification. The slotting positions span from second year apprentice through full journeyman. Existing journeymen members attend pre-training, then perform the hands-on segment. Successful completion earns the journeyman member INSTALL Certification status in either carpet or resilient, or both. 

The Assessment/Certification supports the standardized training concept and is based on the INSTALL Curriculum.

Tech Coordinator: Andy Carr


  • 4/14/2025 - 4/18/2025 Registrations are not currently accepted.*
  • 10/27/2025 - 10/31/2025 (canceled)