CITF Class Registration

Career Connections Outreach Specialist LMS

REGISTER FOR CLASS:At Least 45 Days in Advance

Classes that do not meet the Minimum Attendance Requirements 45 days in advance will be cancelled.

This workshop is required for all those who are appointed to represent Career Connections.

The minimum participants for this course is: 10

This four-day training session prepares specialists chosen by their Training Directors to present Career Connections to representatives of pre-apprenticeship programs, high school carpentry programs, and community organizations.

Participants learn recruiting skills: how to target users of the program as well as the features of the program, the various components of the program, the benefits of the program to students and teachers, and how to speak convincingly and comfortably with likely purchasers. Participants work with guidance in small groups to devise specific strategies for ensuring the use of Career Connections in pre-apprenticeship programs, high school carpentry programs, and community organizations. Various ways of serving as a resource to instructors are also discussed.

Participants will learn to use the Career Connections LMS including the basic functions of the Career Connections LMS Site Administrator, Instructor, Student, and Outreach Specialist within the LMS along with licensing rules and licensing administration.

Tech Coordinator: Chad McDonald


  • 3/10/2025 - 3/13/2025 Only Administrators are allowed to make registrations for this session.
  • 6/9/2025 - 6/12/2025 (23 of 24 seats available - registrations close on 4/25/2025) register!
  • 9/8/2025 - 9/11/2025 (24 of 24 seats available - registrations close on 7/25/2025) register!