REGISTER FOR CLASS: | At Least 45 Days in Advance |
Classes that do not meet the Minimum Attendance Requirements 45 days in advance will be cancelled.
The minimum number of participants for this course is: 6
The 5-day Building Envelope Qualification Train the Trainer
workshop will introduce instructors to an overview of the building envelope. Instructors
will review the interaction among occupants, building components, building
systems, and the surrounding environment. While some procedures are included,
the workshop is specially oriented to providing the information necessary to
understand the functions of the building envelope and its components.
Upon completing the Building Envelope Principles Qualification
Train the Trainer and passing the written and practical skills assessment, Instructors
will be able to teach the 24-hour Building Envelope Qualification at their
local training centers.
Attendees must wear appropriate work clothes inside the UBC
International Training Center: long pants (no shorts), shirts with sleeves, leather
shoes (no tennis shoes or sandals) or leather work boots (boots required for
all workshops with hands-on training), no torn or wore-out clothing and no
clothing with objectionable sayings.
Building Envelope Qualification TTT OR
Building Envelope Qualification TTT Refresher OR
Building Envelope Principles Qualifications OR
Building Envelope Principles Qualification Refresher OR
Building Envelope Principles TTT OR
Certified Building Envelope Specialist for Air & Moisture Barrier (CBES-AMB) OR
Certified Building Envelope Specialist for Spray Foam Barrier (CBES-SFB) OR
Certified Building Envelope Specialist for Thermal Barrier (CBES-TB) OR
Certified Building Envelope Technician (CBET) OR
Certified Master Building Envelope Specialist (CMBES)