CITF Class Registration

Building Envelope Qualification Train the Trainer Refresher

REGISTER FOR CLASS:At Least 45 Days in Advance

Classes that do not meet the Minimum Attendance Requirements 45 days in advance will be cancelled.

The minimum number of participants for this course is: 6

This 1-day workshop will Refresh the Building Envelope Qualification Train the Trainer.


Building Envelope Qualification TTT OR

Building Envelope Qualification TTT Refresher OR

Building Envelope Principles Qualifications OR

Building Envelope Principles Qualification Refresher OR

Building Envelope Principles TTT OR

Certified Building Envelope Specialist for Air & Moisture Barrier (CBES-AMB) OR

Certified Building Envelope Specialist for Spray Foam Barrier (CBES-SFB) OR

Certified Building Envelope Specialist for Thermal Barrier (CBES-TB) OR

Certified Building Envelope Technician (CBET) OR

Certified Master Building Envelope Specialist (CMBES)

Tech Coordinator: Alfonso Bastidos


* This workshop is not scheduled at this time. Please contact your local training center to request to be added to the UBC International Training Center wait list. The class will be scheduled at first opportunity when class minimums are met.