CITF Class Registration

Machinery Alignment Procedures Train the Trainer

REGISTER FOR CLASS:At Least 45 Days in Advance

Classes that do not meet the Minimum Attendance Requirements 45 days in advance will be cancelled.

The minimum participants for this course is: 6

PREREQUISITES: Current Machinery Alignment Procedures Test, or Machinery Alignment Procedures TTT

Machinery alignment is the core of millwright work. This 5 day Train-The-Trainer workshop is designed to provide the information instructors need to teach shaft alignment. The workshop will cover elimination of soft foot, rim-face alignment, reverse dial alignment, thermal expansion and vertical alignment. Detailed techniques for calculating and graphing shim changes will be presented.

Bring the following supplies: Work Boots, Scientific Calculator, Highlighters, Colored Ink Pens and Pencils.

Tech Coordinator: Brandon Burns


  • 6/23/2025 - 6/27/2025 (9 of 12 seats available - registrations close on 5/9/2025) register!
  • 12/8/2025 - 12/12/2025 (12 of 12 seats available - registrations close on 10/24/2025) register!