CITF Class Registration

Builders Level & Transit Train The Trainer

REGISTER FOR CLASS:At Least 45 Days in Advance

Classes that do not meet the Minimum Attendance Requirements 45 days in advance will be cancelled.

The minimum participants for this course is: 8

This 5 day workshop uses Leveling and Layout Instruments to teach the basics required to successfully operate an automatic level, builders level, and Theodolite. Some of the topics covered include reviewing the math used in optics, working with angles, parts of the level, optical terminology, proper set up, leveling the instruments, setting up on a point, extending lines, leveling rods, establishing elevations and grades and much more. Work is performed in the classroom and shop. 

Tech Coordinator: Andy Carr


  • 5/5/2025 - 5/9/2025 (6 of 16 seats available - registrations close on 3/21/2025) register!
  • 9/22/2025 - 9/26/2025 (14 of 16 seats available - registrations close on 8/8/2025) register!
  • 12/15/2025 - 12/19/2025 (16 of 16 seats available - registrations close on 10/31/2025) register!