CITF Class Registration

Essential Millwright Skills Train The Trainer

REGISTER FOR CLASS:At Least 45 Days in Advance

Classes that do not meet the Minimum Attendance Requirements 45 days in advance will be cancelled.

The minimum number of participants for this course is 6

The 5-day Essential Millwright Skills course was built using the new Introduction to Millwrighting manual and reviews/teaches the fundamental skills required to excel as a millwright instructor. Materials covered include precision layout and measuring, drilling, reaming, gear installation, setting backlash, sharpening tools and drill bits, math, print reading, optics and more. 

During the week each participant will be required to successfully complete a minimum of three shop assembly projects and pass a written exam.

Bring the following supplies: Work Boots, Highlighters, Ink Pens

Tech Coordinator: Brandon Burns


  • 3/10/2025 - 3/14/2025 (canceled)