CITF Class Registration

WFED 413 - Vocational Education for Special Needs Learners

REGISTER FOR CLASS:At Least 45 Days in Advance

Classes that do not meet the Minimum Attendance Requirements 45 days in advance will be cancelled.

The minimum participants for this course is: 5

3-Day workshop, Plus, Distance Learning Lessons Course 

Introduction to program modifications, supplementary services, and resources required for special-needs learners in vocational and practical arts education programs. WF ED 413 does not include any exams, as students are better assessed through actual application of the concepts and procedures. As a result of successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 

  • List the major legislation supporting career and technical education and persons with disabilities
  • Describe learning characteristics of persons with special learning needs
  • Explain the differences between entitlement and eligibility
  • Identify four essential components of vocational assessment
  • Define individualization and inclusion
  • Understand the importance of goal setting and individual planning
  • Understand inclusion practices for students with disabilities
  • Understand appropriate usage of teaching strategies in their technical trade area
  • Define curriculum modification
  • Identify several techniques to successfully adapt technical training for persons with special learning needs
  • Identify effective classroom management strategies to use in technical training
  • Understand the critical relationship between effective classroom management and safety
  • Understand the implications that learning style has on effective instruction
  • Identify several teaching strategies to successfully deliver technical training for persons with special learning needs
  • List elements in direct instruction techniques
  • Define procedures for using task analysis in technical training
  • Understand the importance of student contracts and peer tutoring
  • Understand the elements of cooperative learning and its utility in technical training
  • Define collaborative teaching
  • Identify several strategies that can be used to develop team teaching approaches
  • Identify effective elements of a co-teaching relationship
  • Understand the importance of study skills for students with special learning needs
  • Define and understand concepts of testing, evaluation, and assessment
  • Understand the purposes of national skill standards
  • Understand the application and differences between authentic and alternative assessment
  • Identify elements of and the benefits of portfolio assessment for students with special learning needs
  • Understand the importance of coordinating support services for persons with disabilities
  • Understand interagency agreements and linkages in providing support services
  • Understand that transition and employment are realistic adult life outcomes for students with disabilities
  • Understand the value of support service coordination and transition plans for students with disabilities enrolled in technical training programs
  • Identify the interagency linkages that offer support services in their area

This workshop also contains a series of distance learning lessons that must be completed to receive credit for the workshop. Upon completion of this course, you will receive 3 credits from Penn State University. These credits can be applied to a bachelors degree in vocational education. This course is part of the UBC Instructor Certification program.

Tech Coordinator: Brian Connearney


  • 3/31/2025 - 4/2/2025 Registrations are not currently accepted.*
  • 7/14/2025 - 7/16/2025 (10 of 16 seats available - registrations close on 5/30/2025) register!
  • 10/6/2025 - 10/8/2025 (canceled)
  • 12/1/2025 - 12/3/2025 (13 of 16 seats available - registrations close on 10/17/2025) register!